Our new Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2026

Published by MAXSolutions on May 26, 2024
Front cover of the RAP document showing an Indigenous man at a welcome to country event.

MAX has released our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2024 – 2026.

It outlines our vision for reconciliation and the role that we can play over the next two years to build a stronger role for Indigenous Australians in the nature of the services we deliver and find opportunities to promote and support reconciliation. 

MAX’s vision for reconciliation is to give a strong Indigenous voice from our Indigenous staff that is central to our decision making and where Indigenous people have equitable access to employment and opportunities.

The 2024-2026 strategic document builds on the good work undertaken by our Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) and RAP Working Group.


Over our last RAP, some of our more notable achievements include:  

  • The development and delivery of Indigenous cultural capability training to all MAX staff with additional learning modules in development to further build cultural capability.  
  • In conjunction with our Diversity and Inclusion Committee, delivered Effects of Racism training to all staff. 
  • Hosted a nation-wide discussion with From the Heart and Uphold and Recognise, and another Question and Answer forum with prominent members of the Referendum Working Group, on the importance of the Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians 
  • Ensured that all MAX full-time offices have a prominent Acknowledgement of Country. 
  • A Welcome to Country on the opening of our new office in Cairns. [Picture] 
  • Encouraging our teams to take up the paid cultural leave that is available to them to engage in NAIDOC and Reconciliation Week 
  • Continuing our membership of Supply Nation and our commitment to working with and supporting Indigenous businesses. 
  • Continuing our successful Indigenous School Based Trainees Program which has provided opportunities for graduates to go on to further studies or work, including with MAX.  
  • Better support and engagement opportunities for Indigenous staff from when they join MAX. 


IAC Chair and proud Wangkumarra and Barkindji man, Sean Gordon, commends MAX for the strength of our commitment and the steps we have committed to in our new RAP.  He said:

“There is a lot that has changed and it’s interesting to think about where that change happens.  Leadership is critical but, in the end, change happens at the level of the individual.  That person that rethinks what they are doing, how they do things, how they could do more or do it better, how they can support and build others.  In the end, this comes back to respect.  Respect for each other and our different histories and stories and the willingness to listen and consider those other perspectives.”

MAX Managing Director Darren Hooper affirms MAX’s commitment to driving reconciliation through our business and challenging ourselves to do more to make positive impact.  He said:

“Within MAX, we have seen major change since our first RAP, this change driven through our Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) and our RAP Working Group.  While we have achieved a great deal to date, we can do more and we can do better.  I look forward to our IAC continuing to identify where we can refine and improve what we are currently doing and where there are new opportunities to stretch ourselves.

“We have come a long way but still have more to do. Our new RAP challenges us to build on our strong foundations, continue to listen and learn, and do all we can to achieve what we have set out. “  


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