Spinal injury can't stop Russell

Published by MAXSolutions on September 28, 2021
Russell Williams

Image: Gemma Bond, Russell Wiliams, Kimberley-Rose Lattimer-Goodwin. Russell isn’t letting a spinal injury stop him.


With the right attitude and a range of health supports from his MAX team, he is now thriving in a truck driving role.

His employer, Murrell Freight Lines have been operating in the Illawarra region for 35 years. Offering transport, storing and handling and weighbridge services, the local employer is well-known in the local area.


To help ready Russell for a job opening at Murrells, his MAX team helped him obtain medical clearance – something the employer needs all potential employees to complete before starting.They also supported Russell with physiotherapy and other health supports from an in-house health officer.

This readiness was complemented beautifully by Russell’s own drive to work. Putting three years out of the workforce behind him, Russell’s smile and attitude saw him offered a role. 

“The employer chose Russell because of his drive to work – no matter what the role entailed, he wanted the opportunity to show what he could offer as an employee,” says MAX Regional Manager Gemma Bond. 
“The employer is willing to offer truck driving roles to anyone with a can-do attitude like Russell,” she says.
Russell has found that having a routine has vastly improved his life. The Disability Employment Services (DES) customer is being given the opportunity to gain new skills with this fantastic local employer and continues to grow in confidence. 
“Russell showed a drive to work, and if he continues then he will always have a job with Murrells,” says employer Steven Harrod. 

Find out more about jobs for people with bad backs.

Our DES team connect those with disability, injury or health condition with the support they need to find the work they want.


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