What different types of disability support are available?

Published by MAXSolutions on September 27, 2021
disability support article Ian Westmead

The experience of every person with disability is wholly unique. So too is the journey to find meaningful work. That’s why it’s important to know what is available and how to access individualised disability support services that factor in your specific needs and goals.

Disability support services are often very specific in nature which can make it difficult to navigate. For example, if you have a very specific transportation or living arrangement support need, those services aren’t necessarily going to be linked to your health support network.

This can make it frustrating for people who are managing those arrangements and educating service providers on their own situation.


How does disability support work when it comes to employment?

The disability supports offered at MAX will change depending on your circumstances. There will be some things we can help you with directly, and others that will be services provided by other organisations that we can connect you with.

Both looking and applying for work can be challenging for different reasons. You might need financial assistance to help you get ready for an interview (such as interview clothes, transportation). It could be that you are looking for education pathways or training support to help you feel more confident in job searching.

Arranging the right support network of health professionals is often overlooked but with the right team in place, it will be easier for you to maintain your employment. Of course, it could just be the care and ongoing support of an in-work consultant to check in with you and help you stay ahead of any potential issues.

It all depends on your particular circumstances.


Support finding the right fit

There are many businesses out there that see the benefits of workplace diversity however most employers need education and support to make their organisation a truly inclusive workplace. We work with employers closely to help establish the confidence to support people with disability in their workforce.

MAX has a dedicated team that works with employers to understand their business, the roles they are recruiting for and the potential challenges that might exist for different types of disability.

By understanding the business from within, we can make it much easier for people to feel confident in applying, and support employers better to manage any issues that may come up.

From small businesses like at BOUNCE in Hobart to large companies all over Australia and New Zealand like at Rabobank.

Common things we might help with include:

  • Workplace adjustments to help accommodate a disability

  • Manager support to help understand someone’s capacity and tasks they may or may not be able to do

  • Individual in work support to help address any issues before they become bigger problems

  • Role carving – looking at a role and adjusting the role with the employer to make it easier for someone to take the job by reallocating certain duties or work hours.


Disability support when returning to work after an injury or illness

Coming back to work after something has had a major effect on your health and wellbeing can be challenging. The things you used to do may no longer be as easy or perhaps not possible at all. For some people, they are able to return to work doing the same job but with small adjustments.

For others, they need a complete rethink and change of career to find something more suitable.

“To have people pull up to see how I’m going, you wouldn’t believe how much better that makes me feel, to know people care.”

Both physical and mental health play a role. For people with extended absences in order to get treatment, they may not have much confidence in going back to work, the fear of what others may think and if they are going to be able to do their job.

This makes it all the more important to look after yourself and your health.


Ongoing health support

By partnering with professional health services, as well as having our own teams of psychologists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists, we can help you access health support. It’s important to manage your health within the context of work and ensure the right things are in place.

Working with these health professionals, you can identify where you may need support in work and what tools or aids you may need.


Financial support for people with disability

A big hurdle while looking for is balancing bills and the need to outlay funds to get training or get to interviews. There are training courses we can facilitate or, if you find something you are interested in, we can help organise getting the funding for it.

If your financial needs are simpler and it’s just about having the funds to get your interview or training, we can help organise that too.

Potentially you may need financial support for clothing. That might be to ensure you are looking your best at an interview or for work equipment and PPE you might be required to have in order to start work.

If you struggle with managing your finances and need a bit of assistance you might also be eligible for help from a financial counsellor. They can assist with putting plans in place that help you manage your finances better so you can focus more on finding work than stressing about managing your bills.

If you would like to find out more about our disability services or register, you can find out more below.



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