Indigenous Reconciliation

We actively drive reconciliation through our Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group and our Indigenous Advisory Committee. 

By working with our Indigenous employees and a cross functional team, we create clear and culturally informed plans that help us deliver real change and move towards our vision for reconciliation. 

3 employees stood in a factory looking happy

The story behind our RAP artwork

Watch the video below to understand the meaning behind the artwork created by the artist Riki Salam and how each part relates to what we do and our vision for reconciliation.

Latest news

a person holding an apple in a grocery store

Our new Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2026

IAC Chair and proud Wangkumarra and Barkindji man, Sean Gordon, commends MAX for the strength of our commitment and the steps we have committed to in our new RAP.  

a man and a woman sitting at a table

Healing together, one yarn at a time

Health outcomes amongst Aboriginal and Torres strait islander’s communities still lag that of other Australians.  

Closing this gap requires culturally appropriate models of health delivery service and is something that MAX takes seriously in our Reconciliation Action Plan.