Resources for finding work

Job searching tools

Job searching sites, finding hidden jobs and career snapshots

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Finding entry-level jobs

How you can find, apply and interview for entry-level jobs

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Improve your skills

How to boost your motivation levels, soft skills employers look for

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Resumes and cover letters

Making your application stand out, resume templates and more

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Preparing for a job interview

What to say and not to say in a job interview

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What to wear to a job interview

How you dress has a lot to do with making a great first impression and having a real shot at getting that job

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First day of work

Here are some things you’ll want to get sorted before your first day

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Overcoming new job fears

Common fears of getting a new job and how to overcome them

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Health and wellbeing

Building healthy habits and managing anxiety

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Most popular help and advice

Further information

For information on our complaints process and how to provide feedback on our services.

Information on how to register for services and manage your myGov account.

Understand your rights and the way that we manage your information and privacy.

The Disability Gateway is a hub for connecting people with the information and local services that might help them.

Contact details for organisations that offer support across different areas: