MAX awarded Employer of Choice for Gender Equality Citation

Published by MAXSolutions on February 23, 2021
Employer of Choice for Gender Equality logo

MAX Solutions has received the Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation in recognition of its commitment to promote gender equality.

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency today awarded a citation to 17 organisations across Australia, bringing the total number of citation holders around the country to just 136. 

In 2020, MAX further deepened its commitment to gender equality in areas including flexible working, increased access to gender neutral paid parental leave, and further improved its domestic abuse policy.

Managing Director, Deborah Homewood, said: “Workplace gender equality should be an inalienable right."

“We’ve worked extremely hard over the last few years to create a culture in which all our staff are treated as equals and we will continue to do so. 

“It should hardly need saying in 2021, but no-one should be disadvantaged, or advantaged, by their gender in the workplace.

“We are very proud of the work we are doing across areas like pay and flexible working benefits, including extending our parental leave entitlements for male employees and extending paid leave entitlements under our domestic abuse policy.”

The WGEA citation is designed to encourage, recognise and promote active commitment to achieving gender equality in Australian workplaces. 

MAX, a member of the Diversity Council of Australia, has 50/50 gender representation at the executive level and just over three quarters of its employees are female, many of whom hold management and leadership positions.


MAX policies to promote gender equality

Over the last few years, MAX has continued to broaden and deepen its policies around gender equality, including offering:

  • Flexible working policies to support part-time, job share and alternative hours of work
  • Flexible work options for parents returning to the workplace and carers
  • Gender neutral paid parental leave (12 weeks paid)
  • A super booster to address the superannuation gap for women, with paid super on a further 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave
  • A domestic abuse policy that provides 10 days paid leave, as well as support and advice around workplace relocation, finance and emergency accommodation
  • An established Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Safe Place training to ensure we can support our employees and those in need in the community

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