Connor strikes gold with new job at Canberra Dinosaur Museum

Published by MAXSolutions on May 19, 2019
MAX Solutions customer Connor at Canberra Dinosaur Museum. 

MAX Solutions customer Connor at Canberra Dinosaur Museum. 

20-year-old Connor has autism and can struggle to read and comprehend text. He was eager to start work but understood his disability may impact the number of hours he would be able to work.

Understanding his passion for history, video gaming and information technology, Connor’s consultant organised work experience at the Canberra Dinosaur Museum as a retail assistant. With his increased skills and confidence, Connor was able to gain permanent employment at the museum.

He has now been employed for close to a year and is looking at taking on additional responsibilities in a customer service role.

Support is available to help school leavers with disability achieve their goals through the School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) program Find out more at

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