Employing People with Disabilities (6 Types of Jobs for People with Disabilities)

Published by MAXSolutions on April 22, 2019
jobs for people with disabilities

Jobs for people with disability are possible to find, no matter what disability that person has.

More and more organisations are creating jobs with people with disability, or harnessing the skills and abilities people with disability have for roles that already exist.

This means great opportunity for people with disability now exist in nearly every industry. Sectors including healthcare, technology and financial are becoming increasingly more welcoming to those with disability.


Types of jobs for people with disabilities include:

Good jobs for people with disability are possible to find. You can discover the satisfaction that often comes from realising and utilising your strongest abilities and skills. More and more organisations are now actively creating jobs for people with disability.


Medical Administration
Working in a medical office or hospital department doesn’t require a lot of physical movement, so it’s great for people with physical limitations. Many employers in this industry value having people on staff that understand and can relate to what their patients go through because of personal experience.


Bookkeeping or financial assistant
Handling financial matters as a bookkeeper or financial assistant can be a great way to keep your mind engaged. Process driven work is great for those who struggle with changing priorities or lack of comprehension.


Pharmacy Services
Like the medical field, pharmaceutical companies also offer opportunities to those with disability who have experience in taking certain medications.


Vocational Counselling
Counselling other people with disability through similar personal experiences can be a very rewarding career.


IT Support
Those with strong technical ability but not as strong social skills may find rewarding careers in Information Technology. Provide front line support to businesses in this ever-growing industry.


Disability Support Work
Why not assist other people with disability find work or improve their quality of life? With the wisdom of personal experience you could provide the support someone needs to turn their life around.


MAX Employment provides services to people with disability under the Australian Government Disability Employment Services (DES) contract and has held National Standards for Disability Services accreditation for over ten years. MAX can provide information and understanding on other regulation and requirements for hiring and working with people with disability.

If you’re living with an injury, illness or disability, and want to find a job, MAX can help. To find out more information about our Disability Employment Services, you can visit maxsolutions.com.au/disability-employment-services.


Do you have a disability and searching for work?



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