See your counsellor wherever you are

Published by MAXSolutions on February 03, 2020
See your counsellor wherever you are

See your counsellor wherever you are


Most people want to have their EAP counselling session in person. There is much more richness to communication when we can see people in real time, as well as hear them.  

But for many people it’s really very difficult to get to an appointment. There are work commitments, family commitments, transport problems and sometimes the counsellor who is the best fit for you is on the other side of the country, or the city.

MAX attempts to solve all these problems with the introduction of on-line video counselling: Coviu, a telehealth system designed to make it easy. The system allows you to connect with your counsellor at your appointment time by clicking a link they send you on your device. 

Being web based means you don’t have to download any software. Once your counsellor has started the session you will be connected face to face and with audio.

Like seeing someone in real life, your counsellor can give you tipsheets, handy web links and even draw a diagram that will help you. Your counsellor is well trained in the system, so all you need to do is click the link to join the session, your counsellor will take care of everything else.

All data exchanged during a session does not persist beyond the end of your consultation. Data shared in actual calls between you and your counsellor is only ever available in decrypted form to the participating people in the call. Data cannot be forwarded to a third party.

If you want to keep anything sent to you during the session you need to save it. Your counsellor will keep their usual session notes as required by their professional standards. The system uses AES 128-bit or AES 256-bit encryption between web browsers and complies with Australian government privacy policies.


If you have any questions about online video counselling, or to book a session, please call 1800 629 277 in Australia and 0800 327 669 in New Zealand or email


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