Top 6 job search strategies

Published by MAXSolutions on February 04, 2021
job search

Finding a new job takes consistency and motivation. The repetitive nature of job searching, applying and adjusting your resume can make you want to give up.

Sometimes building that job search momentum can be hard that’s why we have prepared some job search tips to help you in your job hunt.


1. Make a plan

Think about what kind of job you want. Get specific and narrow it down to favored industries, roles, and the hours you want. Job searching without a clear idea of what you are looking for is a quick way to end up frustrated and disappointed. Figuring out what you want out of a job and where you want to go with it is the first step.

Make sure to include all of this in your job plan and discuss it with your placement consultant. The act of telling someone your plans and writing them down are great motivators as well.


2. Set some achievable goals

Take small steps in your job plan to achieve the bigger goal, making a list of job roles is a good goal for instance or gaining some work experience in a particular industry. It’s all about being SMART and setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely goals.

If you want to learn more about SMART goals, you can find a great range of tips to help your job search in our goal-setting article.


3. Refresh your resume

It always helps to give your resume a once over before you start applying for jobs. You can learn about how to make your resume stand out against the rest in our article on how to make your resume pop.

If you are going for a few different types of roles in your job search, it may also be a good idea to have a few different versions of your resume that target each role.  This goes the same for cover letters too. Sending generic cover letters won’t impress hiring managers. So make sure you are writing a cover letter that will stand out.


4. Start searching

Try and set yourself a target of how many jobs per day you want to apply for and get searching. The key is to stick to a number that is manageable so you can ensure your applications are of a high standard.

There are so many websites online it can be overwhelming. Maybe start with our best job searching websites article to get some ideas.


5. Connect with your network

Using your extended network of friends and family may uncover job search opportunities you may never have thought of. They can also provide a pretty good character reference!

It is also a great idea to reach out to your network on LinkedIn to see what opportunities there are. LinkedIn is a great place to find work so if you haven’t got a profile up and running yet we have a bunch of pointers on how to set up your profile here.


6. Practice your interview technique

While you are waiting to find out if you will get an interview, why not run some role plays with a friend or family member. The more you prepare the more chance of wowing your interviewers and getting that job. Think about some questions related both to the role description and the industry and have a go.


If you are struggling with building momentum don’t hesitate to reach out to your Job Coach, they are there to help!


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