6 tips to maintain a healthy work-life balance

Published by MAXSolutions on September 19, 2018
how to maintain work life balance

Is your work life balance suffering?

Not sleeping at night because you’re thinking about your job? Barely have any social time? Your work-life balance might be out.

Here are some effective (and fun) ways that can make your work-life balance tip back in the right direction.


1. Set boundaries

Answering emails at 10:30 on a Saturday night might seem impressive to your boss, but in the long run this may create high expectations of you from others.

Know when to be “unavailable” and allow yourself to switch off from work when you leave each night.


2. Consistently participate in leisure activities outside of work

Exercise is proven to relieve stress levels and lower blood pressure.

Attending a cycle class, aerobic class or even going for a brisk 30 minute walk after work can help lift your mood and clear your thoughts.

If your idea of leisure doesn’t include exercise, try and take some time to yourself by reading a book or having some R&R.


3. Talk to your manager

It can be scary to tell your manager that you need help or you’re not coping.

If approached in the right way, a quick meeting can have significant benefit on your work-life balance.

It might simply be a matter of making your manager aware of your workload.

Avoid phrases such as “I’m completely stressed out and I will not take on any more tasks!”

Instead...“I think it would be beneficial if co-worker 'X' could jump in on this task and provide me some assistance.”

This will help co-workers feel empowered to work with you to reach goals, as well as subtly prompting your boss to acknowledge your mounting work load.


4. Watch what you eat and drink

Is working through lunch the only way to keep on top of your tasks?

Skipping meals leads to bingeing on sugary treats or fast food which leads to poor health.

Make sure to always eat your lunch and keep coffee, tea, sugar and alcohol to a minimum.

You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel.


6 tips to maintain a healthy work-life balance

5. Stay organised

It can be as easy as staying back five minutes in the afternoon to make sure your desk is clean for when you arrive the next day.

A clean desk in the morning wipes the slate clean from yesterday and allows for a fresh start today.


6. Use your holiday time

If you’ve got leave accrued – take it! Even a long weekend away can make you revitalised and full of new ideas to come back in and tackle that project.

These six tips should get you on track to a harmonious work life balance.

Remember: maintaining the balance comes down to switching off, taking time to yourself and keeping the communication lines open.

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