6 good habits of professional people

Published by MAXSolutions on September 07, 2020
Professional People

Success in your career isn’t just about getting the job done. Having the respect of your peers and bosses can make a big difference when that next opportunity comes around. Thankfully it doesn’t take a lot of effort to develop good habits, just some consideration for others and the right attitude.

We have put together a list of the 6 most important workplace habits of professional people to support good office etiquette:



Being a reliable team member is an easy place to start. Just be on time, get your work done to deadline, and make sure it’s up to standard. Managing your time at work effectively is the key. There are a range of methods you can use to stay on task and build some professional work habits which you can find in our how to stay focussed article.

Remember that your workday starts from home. Having some good sleep habits in place to ensure you start the day on the right foot is crucial.


Be a team player

Being a team player is the hallmark of professional people no matter the industry you work in. Working well within in a team doesn’t just make you look like a model employee; it also benefits you:

It saves time – working collaboratively can get tasks done more easily and faster. Especially important if the task is one that you don’t love!

It’s more fun – work is always more fun when you have a group to keep things interesting.

It brings the team closer – working together also gives you the chance to get to know your team mates better, and a friendly workplace makes for a happier one.


Honesty is the best policy

Honesty is another important quality that professional people try and maintain. Being open and honest will show your boss and colleagues that you can be trusted and are worthy of their respect, as well as greater responsibility. Workplaces that are open and honest have also been shown to have less turnover and better morale. So, it isn’t just a good office habit, its good for your stress levels too!


Don’t overshare

While it’s good to be open and honest with your colleagues about your work, your personal life is another matter. Sharing your stories about puppy play dates or your opinion on last night’s football game are fine, that wild weekend away on the Gold Coast? Not so much. Professional people know how to read the room and make sure their conversations are work appropriate.


Be accountable

People make mistakes. Whether it’s a new task that we haven’t quite learned, or one we have done a thousand times and got a bit careless with. Not owning up or shifting blame is what turns a simple error into a bigger problem. Colleagues are not as willing to team up with you and bosses are less willing to give you greater responsibility. Apart from being good office etiquette it’s better for your workplace relationships in the long run.


Look the part

Professional people dress smartly and make sure their personal hygiene is up to standard. They seek to be a good representative of their workplace. Whatever your role, if you neglect your cleanliness and your uniform or business attire is not properly maintained, customers and colleagues might not be so keen to interact with you!

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