What I learned from 100 days of rejection (via TEDx)

Published by MAXSolutions on September 19, 2018
100 days of rejection, Jia Jiang

Rejection: it can be one of the most frightening things, and can hold us back from reaching our full potential.


Jia Jiang adventures boldly into a territory so many of us fear: rejection.

By seeking out rejection for 100 days — from asking a stranger to borrow $100 to requesting a "burger refill" at a restaurant — Jiang desensitised himself to the pain and shame that rejection often brings and, in the process, discovered that simply asking for what you want can open up possibilities where you expect to find dead ends.

Original source: https://www.ted.com/talks/jia_jiang_what_i_learned_from_100_days_of_rejection

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